Sunday, January 24, 2010

So it begins...

I have known since I was 19 that there would be challenges for me to conceive a child. It was a hard reality to face being a young woman still in high school, but with the love and support of my mom and sister along with close friends I got through those dark moments.

When I met my DH I was very upfront about my infertility. If I remember correctly I told him there was a chance I would not be able to have children, and if that would be an issue for him this was his opportunity to walk away with no hurt feelings. Amazingly he didn't walk away. He has always from that very day been encouraging and supportive towards me and my fear of not being able to start a family.

So here we are almost 10 years of being with each other (8 of those years we have been married) and we are starting our adventure to expand our family. We considered adoption and that is still a dream that we will have one day, but we really wanted to try and have our "own" baby first. Call me selfish, but I wanted to experience pregnancy, breast feeding and every moment of creating a child. I just wanted to try to conceive and then later on down the road I would love to adopt.

Our first appointment with our infertility doctor was 11/20/09. We were so nervous. DH and I both could not sleep the night before. We were so EXCITED! We both knew what would happen. We knew from past doctors visits that my ovaries were small and the chance of me using my own eggs were slim to none, but of course we had our hopes of being able to use my eggs. So when our doctor (let me just call him Dr. B for BABY) told us we would need an egg donor it did not shock us as much as you would think. Yes, I cried a lot. However I knew that I had so many wonderful women in my life that offered to be our egg donor. That reminds me to thank J. Wacky Hall, H. Chea-Chong, B. Mann, My Soul Sister, M. Taylor and my cousin E for always offering up their eggs for donation. We love y'all and will always remember your generous offer. Luckily we did not have to take our friends up on their offer to help us because we had our very own BLT, our lil' sis, who was willing to step up to help us make our baby. :) Tears...always tears when I think of how my lil' sis has given us such an amazing gift. She will never know how much this means to my DH and I. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you BLT for everything. We love you.

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