Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week of appointments GOD help us!

So BLT flew up here two weeks ago. Her first appointment was 1/11/09 and everyday for the next five days she was at our infertility clinic being violated by Dr. B, Nurse C and not to forget our therapist Dr. MCJ. BLT was in and out of appointments and she was such a good sport about it. Thanks again sis. :)

Going through this process IVF with using an egg donor is like going on a blind date. You have NO IDEA if it will work out. ha! First someone had to donate their eggs. (check) Then we had to get that person here for numerous doctor's appointments. (check) Bloodwork done at certian times. (check.) Not to forget that our donor had to be a good match. Meaning have healthy eggs. (check. check. check.) Let me just say BLT will have NO PROBLEM at all when she wants to conceive. hahahaha. She is a walking baby maker. hahahahahaha. Thank the LORD! Just so you know if non of this lined up then we would not be moving forward. I don't want to be a crazy religious person, but I have to say I do thank God everyday for the blessings we receive. I truly feel without God we would not be on this beautiful path to parenthood. Through our faith we have found strength to not break down or give up in this process. Financially we are stressed. Emotionally we are stressed. Physically I am stressed. The only way this is even somewhat enjoyable is by the GRACE of GOD.

With all the appointments, stress and just being completely overwhelmed our week togeather was actually a wonderful week. My DH and I really enjoyed spending time with our lil' sis. She really has blossmed into a beautiful young woman. She is so smart, talanted, funny and intriguing. Just thinking about what our baby will be like gives me butterflies in my stomach. (I mean that in an great way.) Being that our week of appointments went well we are now just couting the days until BLT returns for egg retrieval and embryo transfer. We are not 100% on the exact dates, but our Donor Nurse thinks we will do the egg retrieval on 3/24 and the embryo transfer on 3/27 or 3/29. Either way if it all works out I should be pregant by the end of March! OMG I feel like I'm dreaming. :)

So many people tell me not to get my hopes up. They tell me that it might not work. Well I don't care. I know it might not work, but IT MIGHT WORK and that is what I choose to believe. Why should I think negatively? POSITIVE. POSITIVE. POSITIVE. That is the only way I choose to live. Whatever happens God will give us all strength to survive through it. I am more scared of it working too well then it not working. hahaha. Or should I say my DH is scared. hahahaha.

Well I will keep you all updated dear family and friends as we take this wild ride. Please pray for us. We love you all.


  1. Well I just read the blog and I am so excited about the entire process with Julie, Ray and Britt. I am very proud of Britt that she wanted so much to help her sister and everything seems to be working our perfectly so I believe it is a blessing from God. Giving of yourself is so rewarding. Being selfless, thinking of others, ways to bless someone else. A gift of life. What could be greater than that. Thank you God for my family.
    Love mom

  2. Everything sounds like its falling right in line. And I couldn't agree more about negative thinking. It's impossible not to get your hopes up, other wise why would you try? Thanks for putting up this blog, I really care and hope you guys the best. It's nice to have the updates.
